Learing Hangul

Periodic Table of Hangul

Periodic Table of Hangul

What are Jamo?

Jamo are the symbol that is used to create Hangul syllable, Jamo art the combination of the words Jaeum (consonant)and Moeum(vowel).
Jamo can be vowels or consonants, and are the building block of the Hangul script.

C1,C2 denote consonants, and V denotes a vowel.
The constant that comes first (C1)is called as "The Initial", the vowel(V) is "The Medial", and the last consonant (C2) is "The Final".
"The Medial" in a Hangul syllable is always a vowel.

There are four methods of stacking consonants and vowels in Hangul.
"The Initial" in a Hangul syllable must be a consonant or a consonant cluster followed by a vowel.
There are no exceptions.


Basic Consonants

The group of consonants that can be used as the inital in the Hangul syllable. (#1~#19)

Twin Clusters

Consonant clusters in Hangul are treated as one Jamo. in the mordern Hangul system, there are 16 sets of standard consonant clusters(#15~#30).
However, only the five twin clusters(ㄲ, ㄸ, ㅃ ,ㅆ,ㅉ) can be used as "The Initial".
* Except for ㄸ, ㅃ, ㅉ,all the consonants and the rest of the clusters can used as "The Final".

Other Clusters

The consonant clusters that are only used as the final.
The first consonant is usually the sound of the cluster.
The second consonant ofthe cluster is usually silent except for #23,#24.
The second consonant of the cluster affects the pronunciation of the initial in the following syllable.


Basic Vowels

Vertical Diphthongs

Vertical+Horizonal Diphthongs

Diphthongs are combined vowels, but are treated as a single vowel in Hangul.
This group of diphthongs(#15~#21) has both horizontal and vertical vowels.
Therefore, they are placed on the right side and under "The Initial"

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